Step 1
Use our secure online ordering system to enroll online and receive access to study materials and members only portions of our website
Step 2
Review the courseware on your own time with an on-call instructor and/or enroll in one of our affiliate’s review seminars or webinars.
Step 3
Complete a proctored exam to complete initial certification requirements
Step 4
Complete 16 hours of continuing education every 2 years to qualify for certification renewal
Fair and Valid Testing
Take a certification test built to truly help.
All exams are monitored by testing and measurement experts (such as industrial/organizational psychologists) to ensure content validity, reliability, and non-discriminatory items for protected classes. Exams are administered through convenient webcam proctoring or proctoring services offered at universities and community colleges nationwide.
Get Started TodayContinuing Education
All the CEUs you need to maintain certification can be found here
To renew your certification as a Credit Counselor, you must complete a total of 16 continuing education units (CEUs) within the two-year period of your current certification.
Find Your CEUOur Partners


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