Become a Certified Housing Counselor Today!
Housing Counselor Certification Program
Helping Housing Counselors Build the American Dream
A safe, affordable home is a cornerstone of the American dream. Certified housing counselors are
unique in that not only are they able to help aspiring homeowners become knowledgeable homebuyers
and achieve their American dream, they are also skilled in working with homeowners who suffer a
financial setback keep their homes. Whether you are guiding a new homeowner in obtaining the home
of their dreams, you are also ready and prepared to work with those homeowners who are struggling to
keep their homes.
Skills Our Housing Counselors Earn
- Conflict Resolution
- Educate on Fair Housing Act
- Educate on Homebuying Process
- Forclosure Mitigation
- Housing Affordability
- Knowledge of Goverment Housing Assistance Programs
- Knowledge of Housing Laws and Lending
- Knowledge of Lending and Closing
- Knowledge of Types of Mortgages
- Tenancy
- Understanding Escrow and the Closing Process
- Understanding the Foreclosure/Loss Mitagation
Enroll in the online course
Curriculum includes essential counseling skills, solution-focused budget analysis, and the latest on credit, lending and home buying. Successful candidates earn a two-year renewable certificate.
Enrollment includes access to our online learning management system. The online course is open enrollment and self-paced with an on-call instructor! It includes exercises, review slides, audio lectures, and a practice exam. The instructor and NACCC support staff are available to assist students throughout the course.
Please Note: To enroll in the Housing Counseling Certification Program one must hold either the Certified Credit Counselor or the Financial Health Counselor designation.
$600 ($700 with bound manual)
(Please allow up to 10 business days for delivery.)
Refunds are not provided after enrollment.
Request the Exam
Upon completion of the course, fill out the Request Exam Form. Testing materials are sent to the testing site indicated on the form. Proctoring services are required. These are easily arranged through local community colleges, universities, or libraries. Proctoring fees are determined by the proctoring site and may vary from location to location. NACCC also provides webcam proctoring for a one time charge of $50. The individual or firm taking the test is fully responsible for proctor payment.
The certification exam consists of 100 multiple-choice questions that relate directly to the content presented in the study manual. Candidates must answer a minimum of 70 questions correctly to pass (please allow 7-10 business days for proctor to receive testing materials).
NACCC provides continuing education unit tracking and recertification for its members. Through NACCC, members have a voice concerning the education they receive.
Extension Policy
If you are enrolled in any course of study, you have a year from your enrollment date to complete the course and final exam. If you cannot complete the course within the allotted time, we do offer extensions up to six months. The following table lists the required payments for each month of extension.

An interactive review seminar for groups of ten or more
Why attend the seminar? The rule of thumb in education is that we learn:
20% of what we see
40 % of what we see and hear
70% of what we see, hear and do
Triple your success rate in passing the exam the first time. Tuition Rates are based on the number of participants. Seminars optimize the performance of your counselors and your entire organization.