Empower Your clients
I throw myself down among the tall grass by the stream as I lie close to the earth.
Elegant Design
And the meridian sun strikes the upper surface of the impenetrable foliage.
Super Fresh
I am so happy, my dear friend, so absorbed in the exquisite sense of mere tranquil existence.
Award Winning
As I lie close to the earth, a thousand unknown plants are noticed by me.
Let's get started today
Become Certified as a Credit Counselor
Let’s Get Started Today!
Become a Certified Credit Counselor
Empower Your Clients
You will obtain the knowledge, skills, and abilities to take them through the process.
National Credability
NACCC is approved & recognized by governing bodies, states, Cities for Financial Empowerment & Department of Veterans Affairs
Educating the Credit
Counselors of the Future
According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, credit counselors have a projected job growth of 15% by 2024.
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Become a member of our Community!
Educating the Credit Counselors of the Future
Credit Counselor Job Growth
According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, credit counselors have a projected job growth of 15% by 2024.
Credit counselors have a Bright Outlook according to the O*NET database for the U.S. Department of Labor. A Bright Outlook means the field is expected to see rapid growth and more job openings in the near future.
Enroll in the online course
Program includes the Keys to Success manual (in online module form) and a supplement manual Credit Counseling Today (in online module form), that focuses on the credit counselor program. An additional supplement, The Power of Negotiation, teaches negotiation and communication strategies.
The online course is instructor-led. It includes exercises, review slides, audio lectures, practice tests and more. While enrolled in the course, you will have access to a weekly live instructor chat. The chat is held every Monday at 5:00 Eastern time. An instructor and the NACCC support staff is available to assist students throughout the course.
Curriculum includes essential counseling skills, solution-focused budget analysis and the latest on credit and lending. Successful candidates earn a two-year renewable certificate.
Credit Counselor Certification Course
This advanced approach to credit counseling provides Certified Credit Counselors with the practical financial knowledge and effective counseling techniques to teach clients how to improve their financial well-being considerably.
Certified Credit Counselors:
– Empower and counsel the financially distressed
– Evaluate alternatives such as debt management plans
– Assist client with spending analysis, money behaviors, and causal factors
– Educate clients to be self-reliant in goal setting and decision-making
– Create action plan with clients
-Learn to and advocate and communicate with creditors and collection agencies on behalf of clients
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What Will I Learn?
• Counseling, motivation and communication techniques
• Poverty, Cultural, Diversity, and Socioeconomic Variables
• Understanding Consumer Protection Law
• Banking and Finance essentials
• Credit industry knowledge
• Credit scoring knowledge
• Credit counselor ethics
• Evaluating alternatives to resolving debt
How Will I Benefit from Taking the Course?
• Students will gain in-depth knowledge, as well as practice and develop important skills and abilities required to become an effective and competent Credit Counselor.
• This program is holistic. It not only explores topics related to finance and credit, it also discusses topics of psychology, rationality and motivation as it pertains to personal finance.
• Students will gain understanding of the importance for credit counselors to operate ethically, professionally and legally.
• This course is an Instructor-led course with professional guidance available from NACCC representatives.
• Students receive the Certified Credit Counselor designation after passing the final exam.
• Practical training and exposure for real world application
What Career Opportunities Are Available?
• Credit Counselor
– Nonprofit, university and government work
– Workforce development
– Credit counseling in banking and real estate
• Life Coach
• Personal Assistant
• Pre-bankruptcy Counselor
• Community Action Staff
The course provides a foundation to explore additional counseling disciplines such as Housing Counselor, Student Loan Counselor, etc. It further helps prepare you to become a life coach and explore independent counseling options to run your own consulting business.
Request the Exam
Upon completion of the course, fill out the Request Exam Form. Testing materials are sent to the testing site indicated on the form. Proctoring services are required. These are easily arranged through local community colleges, universities, or libraries. Proctoring fees are determined by the proctoring site and may vary from location to location. NACCC also provides webcam proctoring for a one time charge of $50. The individual or firm taking the test is fully responsible for proctor payment.
The certification exam consists of 100 multiple-choice questions that relate directly to the content presented in the study manual. Candidates must answer a minimum of 70 questions correctly to pass. (Please allow 7-10 business days for proctor to receive testing materials.)
Why Get Certified with NACCC?
NACCC is recognized by governing bodies requiring certification. This includes the following: approval by all states requiring certification to include all whom have adopted Uniform Debt Management Services Act; recognized by the United States Department of Justice Executive Office of the United States Trustees, approved by Department of Veterans Affairs(Facility Code : 4-6-0040-10 and creditors who require counselor certification as well as the credit counseling industry recognizes our status as an objective third-party credentialing organization. Cities for Financial Empowerment (CFE Fund) has approved NACCC to provide Financial Empowerment Center training in accordance with the requirements and competencies outlined in the Financial Empowerment Center Counseling Training Standards. Approved for all competencies for Cities for Financial Empowerment as an education provider.
Financial Counseling Network is an approved continuing education provider now offering over ten different continuing education programs, including self-instruction through online courses and full-day seminars. Our State of South Carolina Approved Provider number is (#0618100).
Is it available in my country?
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Course Overview
60-80* Hours of Course Work