We are proud to announce Tina Pollard will be presenting at the upcoming Society of Financial and Career Consulting Professionals Conference.
From the CPCDC website:
Tina Pollard has worked for the CPCDC since 2008 and served as the Consumer Lending Manager since 2009. She has been instrumental in closing almost $4 million in consumer loans and provided one-on-one credit counseling at each loan closing. She has countless hours teaching a range of personal finance subjects to adults and children. Ms. Pollard serves as the Government Relations Chair for the Oklahoma Jump$tart Coalition. Ms. Pollard also serves as the Chair for the Public Awareness Committee for the Salvation Army’s Bridges out of Poverty Getting Ahead program in Shawnee, OK. She has successfully lobbied against predatory lending during the 2013 and 2017 Oklahoma legislative sessions. Ms. Pollard is currently earning a Master’s in Science Leadership and a Master’s in Business Administration at Grand Canyon University. When not studying, she enjoys the company of her cat, Friday, attending the theater, going to concerts, visiting art galleries, traveling and playing Canasta with friends.
Tina Pollard will be speaking about consumer advocacy in the realm of payday and consumer loans. Learn more about her work with the Oklahoma Jump$tart Coalition.